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How to deploy an Ionic WebApp as a GitHub Page.

Angular, Ionic, GitHub Pages1 min read

Yesterday, I was trying to learn Ionic framework, and found out that Hybrid App development is easy (easy, not better) in this platform compared to React Native. (If interested a very good comaparison is available here).


I started to create the first app presented as an example. Once build, I thought of publishing the app over GitHub Page. As the application was build using Ionic Framework with Angular, it cannot be pushed directly to be hosted at GitHub as GitHub pages only support static sites and understand only HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

Here is the way I followed to publish the Ionic app as GitHub Pages.

  1. Install the angular-cli-ghpages plugin (as I was developing the Angular based app.) as -
1$ npm i angular-cli-ghpages --save

If you're using the Ionic Framework with React, please run below command

1$ npm i gh-pages --save
  1. Connect with the Repository created at your GitHub account for this project and verify it
1$ git remote add origin
2# Set a new remote
4$ git remote -v
5# Verify new remote
6> origin (fetch)
7> origin (push)
  1. Once connected, push all the code to the master branch
1$ git add -u
2# Add all the files for commit
4$ git commit -m "Initail Commit Message"
5# Commiting all the added files
7$ git push origin master
8# Push code to the master branch of remote repo

If you want to remove a file that was added for commit but you don't want it to be commited, you can run (before running the commit command)

1$ git reset -- filename
  1. Now as the files are commited over master branch, let's build a production build using following command
1$ ionic build --prod -- --base-href

What does this command do that it will create the www folder in the project, which is almost comparable to the dist folder for Angular applications. --base-href will sets your GitHub page domain as base href in the index.html file.

Now if you see your www folder, it will consists of only JavaScript, HTML and CSS files that are needed for GitHub pages but still this require an additional step.

  1. Now this www needed to be optimised for GitHub Pages, which will be taken care by the plugin gh-pages. Run the following command
1$ npx angular-cli-ghpages --dir=www

The flag at the end of the command points to the www folder, where the index.html file is located that will be displayed at repo_name_you_have_created_before/. The plugin will create a branch called gh-pages in your remote project that contains all files which are located in your www folder.

  1. At last, head over to GitHub and select the gh-page branch in the settings of your project ( /repo_name_you_have_created_before/settings) as a source for your GitHub page.

Note: gh-page branch or master branch can only be selected.

That's it. Give some time and you can see your app running at /repo_name_you_have_created_before/.

You can see my app here.